The Muslim Studies Program has many opportunities for undergraduates to incorporate Muslim studies into their degree at MSU.
The minor in Muslim Studies, administered by James Madison College, is available as an elective to students who are enrolled in bachelor's degree programs at Michigan State University. The minor provides students with the opportunity for sustained study of Muslim societies and Islam in a range of disciplines and topics.
MSU offers a number of foreign languages that are useful for students involved in Muslim Studies.
In 2007, Professor Emeritus Charles A. Gliozzo and Mrs. Marjorie A. Gliozzo established the first endowment for the Muslim Studies Program. Their generosity provides a scholarship to undergraduates with a principal interest in studying some facet of the Muslim world.
Michigan State University has a large number of education abroad programs, and a fair number are ones within or related to the wider Muslim world.
A list of graduate students affiliated with the Muslim Studies Program.
Muslim Studies Newsletter
Annual Conference
Muslim Studies Minor
Faculty Spotlight