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Affiliated Graduate Students

A list of graduate students affiliated with the Muslim Studies Program.

Marwa Bakabas

Ph.D. student
Department of Anthropology, specialization: Global Urban Studies Program
Advisor/Chair: Dr. Chantal Tetreault, Co-Chair: Shireen Al-Adeimi 
Area of research: displacement and exile, refugeehood, war and trauma, Yemen, Yemenis in Turkey, activism, applied and public anthropology
Email: bakabasm(at)

Elizabeth Johnstone

Ph.D. student
Department of Anthropology
Advisor/Chair: Dr. Mara Leichtman 
Area of research:  The anthropology of religion, Islam in Europe, queer theory, decoloniality
Email: ewj(at)

Jodie Marshall

Ph.D. student
Department of History
Dissertation research: migration between Zanzibar and Oman, transnational families
Email: marsh416(at)

Jihan Abdullah Mohammed

Ph.D. student
Department of Sociology
Advisor: Steven Gold
Areas of research: Ethnicity, identity, religion and social stratification
Email: mohamm62(at)

Leila Tarakji

Ph.D. student
Department of English
Advisor: Salah Hassan
Dissertation research: Self-Representations and Transnational Histories in Muslim American Literature 
Email address: tarakjil(at)